The super smooth

For those who prioritize a car friendly location, where you can easily go by car to and from the job, we recommend Huvudkontoret at Makadamgatan 5 at Väla Södra, right outside of Helsingborg city center. From here you are close to both E4 and E6 and can easily avoid traffic jams during rush hour. In addition, there are plenty of free parking spaces just outside of the office. This is the reason that we call it the super smooth/flexible office.
Makadamgatan 5 is our biggest location with a 300 m2 big lounge and here you also have the opportunity to rent warehouses from 2 m2 and up.

Coordinator at Makadamgatan 5

“I love personal service. At Huvudkontoret I get the opportunity to offer top class service, every day! Cleaning, breakfast and posting of letters is some of the few things that is included in a membership at our office.”

Frida Hansson – frida@hk.se042-6102290

Information about the location

Makadamgatan 5, 254 64 Helsingborg
Nearby Helsingborg city
Easy access by car
Good bus connections


Makadamgatan 5
Workspace from
2 325
SEK/month – per person

Come see us!

Are you curios about our coworking offices and want to know more? We would like to tell you more! Fill us in with what you need, and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Workspace from
2 325
per person
Fyll i dina uppgifter

    Do you need help choosing an office?

    We are here for you, to make sure you are comfortable and that everything works. We look forward to meeting you.

    Marcus Gabrielsson

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