Working in an appealing and attractive office environment comes with many benefits. It increases productivity among your employees, makes it easier for them to enjoy their work, and also increases the likelihood that your employees will speak positively about their workplace. This can generate new employees or, in our case, new members.

So, how should an office environment be to evoke productivity and well-being? Here are our five most important tips!

Color Tones and Interior Design

It is scientifically proven that the brain becomes more active in a colorful room than in a sterile and white room. Therefore, aim to incorporate different colors into the office environment. Additionally, the shade of color plays a significant role. For example, a very intense red color can induce stress, while a milder red color stimulates productivity and a more active and alert brain. Using natural colors is wise as they create a sense of recognition, automatically fostering well-being and increasing our attention. It is also scientifically proven that having plants in the office reduces stress, improves air quality, and humidity. So, if you’re considering buying plants for your office, go for it!

Noise Level

Achieving a pleasant noise level that suits everyone is challenging, especially in an office with an open floor plan. It’s about finding a balanced level because a completely silent office is not optimal. For instance, a noise level of 70 decibels promotes creativity, while a noise level of 50 decibels and below can decrease our creativity. If you need to reduce the noise level in the office, using carpets and textiles is a good alternative as they reduce sound reflections and lower the noise level. It’s also beneficial to have access to quiet rooms or phone booths.


Poor lighting can lead to headaches and reduced performance. Therefore, try to have many windows, and if that’s not possible, ensure that nothing obstructs the windows you have. Natural light provides more energy and a higher sense of well-being. Of course, natural light alone is not sufficient, especially during the winter months. So, invest in having an adequate number of lamps with good illumination, both in the open areas and in individual offices.

Shared Spaces

Companionship and cohesion are highly valued in our office. That’s why it was natural for us to create a large and pleasant lounge area with various seating groups for socializing. Casual conversations among colleagues and other business owners promote a sense of community and provide an energy boost. Invest in comfortable furniture in the common areas, allowing people to relax before getting back to work.


It’s essential to take care of your body, even though it can be challenging at times. Ensure that there are adjustable desks, proper desk lighting, ergonomic and adjustable office chairs, and good working tools if you use them. Make it a habit to stand for an hour during the workday if your energy level is low or take a walk around the office to relax your body, as sitting at a computer all day can create tension.

There are, of course, more things to consider for improving the office environment, but according to us, these five are the most important. Hopefully, we have inspired you to review the office environment where you work if necessary. If you already enjoy your workplace, you probably agree with the points mentioned above.


At Huvudkontorets co-working offices in Helsingborg, we have focused on creating a pleasant office environment. We have a large lounge area with natural colors where different business owners can communicate and socialize. We have also invested in adjustable desks and comfortable, adjustable office chairs in all offices.

If you would like to see how our different office environments look, visit our co-working hotels in Helsingborg or if you want to learn more about our approach to office environments or arrange a tour, please feel free to contact us at 042-610 22 90 or and we will tell you more.

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