How to create a successful conference?

To succeed with the conference, it requires considering many things. Below, we provide HK’s best tips for succeeding with the conference. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance!
Plan ahead
To ensure that as many people as possible can participate in the conference, it is important to set a date well in advance. This way, it becomes easier to make changes to the planning if necessary.
Choose the right venue and location
If many participants will be arriving by car, we would recommend a venue with free parking nearby. On the other hand, if participants will be arriving by train or bus, it is convenient to choose a centrally located venue that is close to the train and bus stations..
The right conference room
Consider booking the right conference room for your purpose. Conference rooms with large round tables are perfect for workshops or meetings where you want everyone to be visible. If you need help connecting to Wi-Fi or connecting your computer to the screen, choose a place where the staff can quickly assist you.
Consider allergies
Find out if there are any allergies among the participants, preferably well in advance. Make sure to inform the on-site staff about any allergies so they can take them into account when arranging refreshments or lunch for the participants.
Start the meeting off gently
Take a cup of coffee and engage in small talk before the meeting officially begins to relax the participants and get them even more excited about a productive meeting.
Have a clear agenda
It is important to have a clear agenda for the meeting to ensure that nothing is forgotten and that you can progress through everything at an even pace. However, do not forget to allocate time in the agenda for questions and discussions. Also, try to stick to the agenda and avoid going off-topic too much.
Take breaks
Regular breaks are important to recharge, perhaps get some fresh air to stay alert. Otherwise, it is easy to drift off into daydreams and become tired. And you don’t want to be tired during an important meeting!
Dare to have fun
While it is important to focus on the meeting, it is equally important to create a relaxed and safe environment where participants can be themselves without fear of judgment.
Fuel up with good energy and less sugar
It is not uncommon for energy levels to drop during a long meeting. In such cases, it is important to fuel up with good food and snacks, such as sandwiches and fruits. Try to avoid fast food and items that contain a lot of sugar.
Utilize the available tools
If there is an opportunity to connect to a TV screen or if there is a whiteboard available, make use of the tools to facilitate communication and education!
Follow up
After the conference or meeting, it can be beneficial to follow up on what was discussed and what was good/could be improved for next time. Together, you can create the optimal conference.
Follow these tips, and we promise that you will succeed with your conferences!
If you want to see if your conference fits in any of our conference rooms, you can find them here